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  1. Spend your afternoon thinking. Just thinking of things you would LIKE to do. Things you have put off because you're too busy to not be productive. Sometimes just thinking, imagining, visualizing is what you need to bring up ideas that you have put on the back burner, until you have the you have the time! Make a list of projects you'd like to do.

  2. Take out books that have pictures you enjoy looking at. It could be a printed book, a photo album (if you still have any), or digital photos you have saved on your computer, tablet, or phone. Scroll through your Facebook feed for images that inspire you. The inspiration can be something to write about maybe telling the story about the photo, or making one up. You could draw the photo, paint the photo, manipulate the photo in Photoshop (if you have it or some other image manipulation program), or you could gather many photos into an album to publish in a slide show or movie. Your story, slide show, or movie could be published on YouTube or Facebook or on your own blog

  3. The holidays are coming up and it will be a difficult one this year (2020). Start looking for decorating or gifting ideas. It's never too early to start thinking about those people closest to you in your life. Look for supplies locally, that can be ordered and picked up or delivered. Look through old/new magazines for inspiration for decorations or gifts you can make yourself. Learn a new skill like: crocheting, knitting, macramé, or needlepoint. It gives your hands something to do while watching TV or live-streaming.

  4. Think about the children in your life that might need something you can make for them. Puzzles they can put together, card games you can invent, games with pieces and rules to play, garden sets with pots & soil & seeds, etc.... There are endless items that can be recycled into projects for kids. Do some research on the internet through Google or YouTube.

  5. Music is very inspiring. Listening to it or making it yourself (if you are musical). Creativity can manifest in many ways and from many different sources. Ideas. Projects. Just keeping your hands busy for a while, can create many more ideas. Do something that relaxes you, clears your mind, and open yourself up to inspiration. Get your creative self on!

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